Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Procrastinator Finally Follows Through

I've wanted to start a blog for the longest time. But I am a procrastinator, I get it from my father (love you, Daddy!). It's not the bad kind of procrastination that leads to bills being unpaid or not shaving my legs until there's enough to braid or waiting until the last minute to do my taxes, just enough of a procrastinator that leads to disorganization and not starting things that I say I'm going to do.

But since my little sis, Stephanie, started her blog to keep in touch with our family members, I thought "I should do that, too, but I'll start tomorrow." See, procrastination!


  1. ARGH!!! I signed up to be your first follower...but it says my name is EnOMUgYsx.xQRECXnvb1H8ZXMMuuJUHd1tbFQQoU_ntgP0c!!Holy smokes..what's that all about??

    AKA Stephanie :)

  2. on my end it shows loveSaturday and EnOMUgYsx.xQRECXnvb1H8ZXMMuuJUHd1tbFQQoU_ntgP0c

  3. I signed up to follow you again with my google account, not my yahoo account so now I'm really stalking you...twice :)~

  4. Hi Lil'bit
    Do you know who this is? Yeaaaa Auntie!!
    I have to laugh at your procrastor post.....that runs in the Silva Family for sure!! I have it and so does Auntie Adrienne. I think Uncle David mentioned one time he's the same way.
    I don't know to much about blogging so I guess I've got lots to learn.

  5. Hi Auntie! How did you find this? I'm glad that Dad & I aren't the only Silva's with this 'affliction'! It seems to have bypassed both Stephanie and Jessica...

  6. From your dad. I'm having fun with it. Have postedd a comment on Steffies Blogspot too. Does Jessica have one too?
    Michele has the 'affliction' also. Doesn't help that she works with me....nothing gets done. haha
